My Shop at Zibbet

Friday, May 27, 2011

My kind of Garden

Hi there Blogland. I hope all is well. I am just happy that the World didn't end on Saturday, like it was supposed to ;) Although if it had ended, at least I could have stopped worrying about that big stack of bills that keeps growing on my desk ;)

Oh well, talking about things growing, I can't wait to show you my flower garden. Now you should know that I am Not the gardening type and there is Nothing green about my thumb at all. In fact, the teenager known as Miss Thang Tammy recently spent a whole day picking on me because the flowers she bought me for Mother's day didn't last very long due to dehydration.  I felt so bad about the flowers, that I swore I would plant a flower garden that would last forever, so that is exactly what I did. And I even have a picture to proove it.

Now, that there is my kind of garden.  A handful of lucies, some accent beads, seedies and a couple hours of beadwork, but most of all no maintenance. This baby doesn't even need to be watered and it will last a lifetime. So, Miss Thang Tammy, "How do you like me now?"

I have been wanting to make a flower fringe bracelet for a while now and had fun making this.  It was really neat to watch it grow with each fringe I added. I hope you like it.

TTYL and make it a good night,


Crazy Mama said...

that's my kind of garden too! i may have to take a cue from you and plant one of my own one day. very pretty!

Anonymous said...

I love it! The colors are great and you can tell Miss Thang that at least you can take your garden with you!

Unknown said...

Great! Aren't Lucite flowers fun!

Susanna Originals said...

So pretty! The pearls are perfect in the flowers and the colors are so springlike. Love it!

Sparkle Queen said...

How perfect for summer! Love the bracelet my dear!

Happy Memorial Day! {Hugs!}

Unknown said...

Oh yes that is a spectacular garden for sure!!!!

June said...

Very pretty!

Kathleen J. said...

Hello from my cozy corner of blogland. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. You have a new follower now.

jamfiescreations1 said...

Thank you for the nice compliment and following my blog. I now follow you.

Mary O

Nancy said...

That is my kind of garden... easy care and so pretty! I am your new follower and I'd love you to check out my blog.

Sandra Tyler said...

lovely, I like that "spring" bracelet! And thanks for dropping by my blog and for your encouragement!