Hello got lots to share tonight. So I'll just jump right in. Well, my new digital camera has arrived. I played with it a little bit. Got a good pic of some earrings I've been working on. After installing software, went to upload pics to laptop. Darn thing doesn't even recognize my camera, oh well, I think I'm going to delete the Easy Share software and just use Windows picture viewer. Thank god for Tammy, she is good for something. She told me how to set up SD card. She is definitely the techie of the family. Anyhow, here is the pic of the earrings. It didn't come out too bad. Next time I think I'll try taking pic outside in sunlight, though.
The next thing I have to show you is the business card I came up with and promised to show you. I created it in Microsoft Works. (I'm too cheap to upgrade to MS Word). I had scanned a necklace I had made some time ago. The scan doesn't show the the red beads, necklace looks all black. But it does showcase my beadweaving skills. It is also different looking, than just plain strung beadwork. Back to the card, I created it on the cheap. Instead of buying Business Card paper from Avery or whatever, I bought a pack of 100 large blank index cards for $1.00 at the dollar store. They are not as thick or as white as regular business cards, but they will do for now, seeing as I don't even really have a business yet!! Ok, so if you put them through printer one at a time and rotate card 3 times, you can get 4 business cards per one index card. Do the math, that's 400 cards for 1 buck plus ink. I just printed a few for now, and I can change the pic or wording on card anytime I want. How's that for resourceful? Anyhow here it is in all its glory
Last but not least, I just wanted to say a fond farewell to Lost. This is not bead related, but this blog is the closest I have ever came to a journal and I feel that over the past 6 years Lost has become an important part of my life. Never before has a TV show or movie for that matter, had such a profound effect on me. Those who stayed with the show from beginning to end and truly understood will know what I mean.
OK, well, I told you I had a lot to post about. Gotta get off of this computer now, before I kill it. Like I said, I am not a techie, and even Blogspot likes to give me a hard time.
TTYL and make it a good night,