My Shop at Zibbet

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Beadwoven Bracelets

O.k. So I made it to day 2 of A to Z blogging. Well actually, it's 12:03 a.m. on the 3rd day as I sit here typing. I guess I'm a bit late, but what is time but a number, anyhow?  Today's letter is B, so I decided to do a show and tell with my latest beadwoven bracelets.

The first one is a peyote woven cuff. The pattern came from Fusion beads and is free on their website. I couldn't decide on what colors to do all the flowers, so I settled on a simple, sophisticated palette with just a pop of playful purple . I plan on doing another one over the summer based on all the wonderful colors that are bound to be growing all around me very soon.

The second bracelet is done in double St. Petersburg Stitch and makes good use of one of the many vintage buttons I purchased a few years ago at the Brimfield Antique Show. For those of you who follow my blog and were wondering which stitch I was learning a few posts back, it was indeed the St. Petersburg stitch. Remember I hinted that it was also the name of a place? 

So there you have it - a B post for day two of the blogging challenge and my beady show and tell all in one quick post. May I please go to bed now?

TTYL and make it a good day, or should I say a good night? ;)


Tammy said...

Breathtakingly beautiful beaded bracelets! Such talent!

H.T. said...

And those bracelets mean really YOU:Your own style,which I like very much.Nice pastel colors-fine compilation of grey and light pink.The second one looks very delicate.Beautiful Summer designs.

Crazy Mama said...

they're both beautiful, debbie, but i especially like the st. petersburg one. i love the vintage button. great work!

Sandra Tyler said...

can't imagine your patience in making these beaded beauties. Thanks for visiting me on the challenege and I'll be back for C!

michelle said...

Hi Debbie
I'm visiting from the A-Z Challenge.
Your beadwork is fabulous! I've also incorporated beads into my B-post, but in fiction form.
Enjoy the rest of the challenge!

Additionsstyle said...

Your new bracelets are so pretty. I love the flowers in the first one!
Everyday Inspired

grtlyblesd said...

You do lovely work!

Sabrina Garie said...

Debbie, you're work is wonderful. I love to keep visiting to see what's next.

JoJo said...

These are gorgeous!!! I especially love the bottom one!

Amalie Berlin said...

I don't know which I like better, in all honesty. They both appeal to me! The cuff is gorgeous and I'm not used to seeing that kind of bead work. I especially love the implication of the extension of the pattern, like it's just a swatch of something bigger(from the way the flowers aren't contained within.)

And the second bracelet is divine. Nothing else to be said, just gorgeous.

Kelly said...

Your bracelets are beautiful!

Sparkle Queen said...

I love how the St. Petersburg stitch looks so flirty and feminine! Cute bracelet!