My Shop at Zibbet

Monday, April 26, 2010

A Pic of some of my beading

Well, as promised, here is a pic. As you can see, they are all indeed unfinished. These are the last three bracelets I have started. Had to scan them, as I have no working digital cam at the moment. It's the best I can do for now. You really need to see them in person to appreciate the colors and how they sparkle.
*The top one is a flat spiral done w/light green and white beads in the center and small blue crystals coming off of silverish/white seed beads. *In the middle is a pink and purple spiral rope. The bigger purple beads in the middle of the spiral really sparkle. I am going to finish this off with silver bead caps and one each pink & purple small lucite flower dangling off the clasp. *The bottom bracelet is a dutch spiral rope made with the tiniest of silver bugle beads and very light blue seed beads. In person, it is very dainty looking.
So now you have seen some of my work. Bead weaving with tiny beads is my favorite type of work. I find it very relaxing at the end of the day. Also, I love a challenge. Other than tiny seeds and bugles, I enjoy working with crystals and pearls. I do some regular stringing with bigger beads, too. Pictures of some of my strung stuff will come soon.
Ok, so that's 2 posts in 2 days. I'm sure I won't be posting everyday, though. I just wanted to get the picture up as soon as I could. Contrary to my daughter's belief, I do have a life, outside of this new blog. You know how it is-cooking, cleaning, waiting on a 12 year old hand and foot!! Gotta run, I hear the laundry calling me.
TTYL and make it a good day,

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Finally got off my a** and started a blog

Seeing as this is my 1st post, I'll try to keep it short and sweet. My name is Debbie, I'm from a small town in MA and I have a twelve year old daughter named Tammy. I am very passionate about my bead work. For the most part, this blog will be about my beading. Sometimes, I'll also write about my often comical life and hilarious adventures. All right, so to get it over with, here is a pic of me in all my glory. I am 40ish wishing I was still 20ish. As I said, I really get into beading. Some other things I can't live without include: cheesecake, chocolate, coffee, shoes, roller coasters and Lost (especially Sawyer!!).
Now I'll tell you about Little Miss Thang Tammy. She is a typical pre-teen female. This means that she is always on My Space or her cell phone, constantly playing "Gangsta" music on her Ipod, always needing more clothes and/or money, never doing homework, never picking up, but most of all, always embarrassed by her "wack" mother. All this aside, she is my pride and joy. She is also absolutely, without a doubt, the coolest person in the entire universe. She loves taking pictures for her My Space page. This is her fave pic of herself that she has taken. She told me to tell you that if you are confused about who is who in the pics, she is the nice looking one and I am the old looking one. Go figure.
Did I say this post would be short and sweet? I guess I was mistaken. This blog is supposed to be about my beading. So where are the pics of my bead work? Well, lets just say that I am technically challenged, and haven't yet figured out how to get some decent pics up on here. Soon, though, I promise. For now, at least you have met me and Tammy. I hope you will stay tuned for more.
TTYL and make it a good day