My Shop at Zibbet

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Bling it On

Hello my bloggy friends. Well I finally managed to get a  little bit of beadweaving done. I say a little bit, because over the past two weeks all I managed to make was a bracelet and a pair of earrings. And the earrings aren't even beadwoven. Anyhow, I was thinking that I needed more holiday items for my Zibbet shop, so I made a bracelet for New Year's Eve and some earrings for Christmas. So first I'll show you the bracelet. It's another flat spiral, but this one puts all the others I've done to shame. I used black ab Czech Glass beads and clear silver lined seed beads. The clasp is a silver plated leaf design toggle.  Maybe you better get your sunglasses on before you look, because we are talking pure bling here. Anyhow, here it is:

What did I tell you, pure bling, right? So, like I said, I also made some Christmas Earrings. They are not quite as blingy as the bracelet, but they are nice just the same. Seeing as they are for Christmas, I used red and green Czech Glass beads and gold  chandelier earring components. These babies are long at 3 inches, so in their own way, they also pack quite a punch.
So once again, we are all caught up. From now until Christmas, I'm sure I'll be busy trying to promote my shop and of course making beady presents for family and friends. My blogging schedule has been a bit sporadic lately, so if I don't make it back here before Christmas, I'd like to wish you all a happy and safe holiday.

TTYL and make it a good night,

Sunday, November 14, 2010

What the Heck is a Z Box?

Hi there Blogland. Sorry I've been missing in action for a while. All I can say is that sometimes life gets in the way of blogging (and beading). Anyhow, it's all been good. Happy to say that I have been busy finding a better job. More money, more advancement, etc. Just a little further to travel and longer hours. Also been busy with family stuff and connecting with an old friend, who I just happened to turn into a beader. O.k., so now that we're more or less caught up I can answer the question in this post's title.
Q:   What the heck is a Z Box?
A:    A Z box is a sampler of great items from many different Zibbet shops. We are talking variety here. These boxes are on sale at Zibbet and contain samples of items from a great pool of  artistic and crafty talent.
So not to leave you pictureless, here is a sample of my contribution. I have made 15 pairs of earrings. One pair will go into one each of 15 different sample boxes.
You can learn more about the Z boxes here!/samplezbox . If you would like to purchase a Z box, you can purchase one here target="_blank" . O.k, so that is the most recent project I have been working on. Now we are all caught up. So hopefully, I can  get back to my beadweaving which I haven't had much time for lately. Like I said earlier, sometimes life just gets in the way. Looking forward to showing you new goodies soon, so as usual, I hope you'll stay tuned for more.

TTYL and make it a good night,